How to Download DRM video 2022 latest Method (VDocipher)

 Vdocipher Dum Ass

> Vdocipher Tutorial:

Ok. It seems vdocipher finally found that their license servers does not authenticate the validity of their license/payload token and fixed it. 

They had this bug for years and they did not even know about this until now😅 But have you guys seen their blog?  Lol! Look how much they brag about their drm system like you can't crack it and like they are completely different from others. LMAO. But they didn't even know a vulnerability like this has existed in their license servers, for years😂🥲

The good thing is I am happy that they got some brains and found this out after this many years and the bad thing is, yeah now you can't download vdocipher videos only with the mpd link anymore!

So, time to move on to a new tutorial!

> Vdocipher Tutorial:

📌 First Step :-

• Open chrome or any browser you prefer! - No matter the what version you use! (This tutorial is based on chrome.)

• First you have to install the .MPD Detector extension by the below link! 👇

• For installing it press "Add to Chrome" button

• Then make sure to pin the extension to chrome by clicking the pin icon!

Now what are mentioned below are the important instructions! Follow these steps carefully and in order. 👇

📌 Second Step :-

• Open network tab by pressing F12 or by rigt click --> inspect --> network tab. 

Important :- If you first go to your drm video you should go to the network tab and then reload the page again to capture the requests properly!

(If you are doing this you will probably come across a "paused in debugger" issue when loading the page! If you encounter that problem send a message @Drm_Supporter)

• Now go to your drm video!

For this tutorial I will use 's demo video as an example😉

📌 Third Step :-

• Now play your drm video! If you did all the things correctly you will see some requests getting captured in the network tab!

• Here you have to find your videos license request! Since these are vdocipher videos type "license" in the network tab search/filter bar. You will be able to find your video's license request!

• You will see 2-3 requests with the same name. Click and see all the requests and choose a request which has a Request Method: POST and a Status Code: 200. 

(You sometimes might find two requests which has both Request Method: POST and a Status Code: 200. They both are correct ones. Click and select one you like😅)

• Now right click your selected request --> select copy --> and press "copy as cURL (bash)"

[ Do not press copy as cURL (cmd) or copy all as cURL (cmd) or copy all as cURL (bash) ]

❗️ Be careful and only select "copy as cURL (bash)"

• Now go to and paste the request you copied and click Generate Link!

(It will now give a downloadable .txt link of your license request!)

Fourth Step :-

• Now go back to your video page and click the .MPD Detector extension icon which we installed and pinned in the first step.

• You will be able to see a mpd link. Select it and copy it then!

• Ok! Now we are done. You have the links you need now. Now what you have to do is sending these links to the bot! You can do it in two main formats👇

❇️ If you don't want a custom name send as:- mpd link * license txt link

[Seperate your mpd link and the license txt link with a "*" mark.]

❇️ If you want a custom name :- mpd link * license txt link * custom name without extension

After sending these in to the bot, the bot will extract the keys for you, download your video, decrypt it and upload it to you finally.

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